Friday, February 4, 2011


Welcome to Mama Corey's Kitchen! Everyone is always welcome and you can pretty much guarantee that I'll have enough food. This is your resource for recipes, cooking tips, and "mom advice". I've somehow become the go-to woman to call when you're lost in Walmart, can't remember what kind of meat you need for roast beef, or the car service man won't take you seriously.

I hope you enjoy my blog!

Mama Corey


  1. Love your new blog, Mama Corey. You'll do well I am sure :-)

  2. So Glad you are sharing. I have a party to go to tomorrow and was supposed to bring a dish to pass and you just made it soooo easy. Love it. Love you. So glad I found your Blog. ome say were we're but we are know we're Blessed!
    God Bless!

  3. Thanks everyone. This is the brain child of Jen.
